Sitemap - 2020 - Patterns

Seth Godin's advice on finding your north star

How to succeed using leading vs lagging measures in your goals

The social incentives that won $40,000 in 9 hours

Why one airport made something worse, but people liked it

Mark Cuban on Luck

How to Walk Away (and save 70k)

Why and how to have 1:1s with your kids

The many failures of Pixar

How to Smile More at Work 😁

The Career Question You Need To Be Asking

🚴‍♀️ A bicycle for your mind

5 lessons from the tragic race to the south pole

Why Relationships Fail: Advice From a Top Divorce Lawyer

📹 I'd like to make a movie about your life ...

A Lesson From the Best Selling American Book of All Time

🔥 6 Proven Strategies for Creating New Habits

No One Owes You Anything

Do you enjoy your work? (an update about this newsletter)

A question for reflection ...

How to be productive without making any decisions

A simple social media exercise you should do today

Our kids are burning out, but they don't have to

How to get incentives wrong

🍅 🍉 How 2 emoji will help you make meaningful progress

A 10-minute exercise for handling stress in your marriage

The 8-year-old that saved Harry Potter

5 Questions You Need to Ask Yourself About Hope at Work

How to use conversations to solve your misalignment problem

The competitive advantage of caring

How to get 10x more out of your reading

Don't waste time doing something twice

Why escape velocity matters in your work

Great work doesn't happen alone: on requesting feedback

What Cortés got wrong

How to Start a Movement with Your Work

Priming is Powerful

We couldn’t let them know something wasn’t quite ready!

The 3 lessons I value most from Clayton Christensen

What the most versatile player in the NFL teaches about how to be a leader

5 years from now you'll be the same person unless you do this